Premium Whey Milk Powder with all the nutrition benefits of milk
Hester FARM® Whey Milk Powder contain all the benefits of regular cow’s milk without lactose. Since lactase enzyme has been added to remove lactose, Hester FARM® is easy to digest so even those who normally avoid milk can benefit from the dairy nutrition and high protein content as part of a balanced diet, healthy and active lifestyle.
What is lactose? Lactose is a natural carbohydrate in milk that is also called milk sugar. Breast milk contains approximately 7g of lactose per 100g, and cow’s milk has approximately 4.8g per 100g.
What is lactose intolerance? Lactase breaks lactose down into two simple sugars; glucose, and galactose, which can be absorbed and used by the body. When the body does not produce enough lactase enzyme, the unabsorbed lactose moves into the colon, where it becomes fermented by intestinal bacteria. Lactose Intolerance is a condition in which the unabsorbed lactose causes digestive problems such as; diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating. These symptoms can vary greatly between individuals and even the same person between meals. Symptoms disappear when lactose is decreased or eliminated from the diet.
During the first years of life most people produce ample levels of lactase. However, production naturally declines as people age and many completely stop producing lactase after the age of three and develop the intestinal symptoms associated with lactose intolerance. Once lactase enzyme production slows, you cannot build up resistance to lactose or fool your body into processing more milk sugar that it can handle without suffering from intestinal difficulties.
The normal lactose breakdown process
· Lactase enzyme produced by the body breaks lactose down into galactose and glucose.
· Galactose and glucose are then absorbed into the blood stream.
Incomplete lactose break-down process
When the lactase enzyme is lacking or produced only in small quantities:
· The unabsorbed lactose stays in the bowel
· Lactose binds with water and increases formation of gas, causing diarrhea and flatulence.
Hester FARM® Whey Milk Powder contain all the benefits of regular cow’s milk without lactose. Since lactase enzyme has been added to remove lactose, Hester FARM® is easy to digest so even those who normally avoid milk can benefit from the dairy nutrition and high protein content as part of a balanced diet, healthy and active lifestyle.
What is lactose? Lactose is a natural carbohydrate in milk that is also called milk sugar. Breast milk contains approximately 7g of lactose per 100g, and cow’s milk has approximately 4.8g per 100g.
What is lactose intolerance? Lactase breaks lactose down into two simple sugars; glucose, and galactose, which can be absorbed and used by the body. When the body does not produce enough lactase enzyme, the unabsorbed lactose moves into the colon, where it becomes fermented by intestinal bacteria. Lactose Intolerance is a condition in which the unabsorbed lactose causes digestive problems such as; diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating. These symptoms can vary greatly between individuals and even the same person between meals. Symptoms disappear when lactose is decreased or eliminated from the diet.
During the first years of life most people produce ample levels of lactase. However, production naturally declines as people age and many completely stop producing lactase after the age of three and develop the intestinal symptoms associated with lactose intolerance. Once lactase enzyme production slows, you cannot build up resistance to lactose or fool your body into processing more milk sugar that it can handle without suffering from intestinal difficulties.
The normal lactose breakdown process
· Lactase enzyme produced by the body breaks lactose down into galactose and glucose.
· Galactose and glucose are then absorbed into the blood stream.
Incomplete lactose break-down process
When the lactase enzyme is lacking or produced only in small quantities:
· The unabsorbed lactose stays in the bowel
· Lactose binds with water and increases formation of gas, causing diarrhea and flatulence.
An estimated 65% of human adults (and most adult mammals) lose the ability to digest lactose during childhood. The gene that makes lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose) shuts off after a few years of service, because mammals don't drink milk after they are weaned. Some human populations have developed lactase persistence (in which lactase production continues into adulthood). Lactase persistence is a genetically determined trait resulting from a mutation that is thought to have occurred 5,000-10,000 years ago, coinciding with the rise of cattle domestication. This mutation has allowed almost half of the world’s population to metabolize lactose without symptoms. The distribution is now thought to have been caused by natural selection favoring lactose persistent individuals in cultures that rely on dairy products. Source: Ivan Yuval, PhD, “A Worldwide Correlation of Lactose Persistence Phenotype and Genotypes – BMC Evolutionary Biology, February 9, 2010